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  • Theodor Meinhardt

Albert Einstein's brilliant mind games

Albert Einstein has been the epitome of genius for over 100 years. He revolutionized physics in almost every area. He made elementary contributions to quantum physics, proved the existence of atoms and molecules and showed through the theory of relativity that our idea of ​​space and time is incorrect.

On the search for the secret of his genius, Albert Einstein's brain was stolen by the pathologist Thomas Harvy after his death, because he had hoped to find the key to Einstein's genius in it. Again and again, these scientists gave parts of the brain with the request to find special features in them, but apart from the strong expansion of the areas of the brain responsible for mathematics and spatial thinking, no special features could be found. Einstein was such a brilliant person that he didn't have to experiment like other physicists, he could imagine everything in his head. He also recognized the world-famous formula E=mc² during one of his ingenious mental games: he imagined a space far away from all the masses of the universe. If you now send out a light pulse, the center of gravity of the room should actually have shifted, but that cannot be true because another set of physicists says that the center of gravity of something can never be changed from the inside but only from the outside. So he indirectly determined that 1 domestic cat contains about as much energy as 100 million tons of TNT. Energy and mass are therefore completely equivalent to each other.

But not only Einstein was able to carry out such ingenious mind games. For example, a falling apple is said to have brought Isaac Newton to his law of gravitation, which states that everybody exerts a gravitational pull on every other body. This law can be used, for example, to calculate the movements of celestial bodies. Among others, the genius Stephen Hawking established numerous things about black holes and even questioned the Big Bang. A film was even made about him called “The Discovery of Infinity”. But not only these 3 people were ingenious physicists, there were many more and there will probably be many more who may one day refute one of these great laws and the laws of physics will have to be rewritten

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