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  • Jimena Schoemann de Miguel

Artificial Intelligence

The first artificial intelligence was created in the 1950s. Artificial intelligence means a machine that has knowledge like that of a human. The purpose of an AI is to “to provide software that can reason on input and explain on output,” according to There are multiple types of AI, the most common ones being: virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, personalised content recommendations on streaming platforms, fraud detection systems in banking, and navigation apps that suggest the best routes based on real-time traffic data.


Between 2010 and the beginning of 2020, the venture funding in artificial intelligence hit a mind-blowing 61 billion pounds. Most of this investment went to companies in the USA and China. A report by Gartner states that by 2025, more than 75% of venture and seed capital investors will use artificial intelligence and data analytics to gather information.

Limitations of AI

AI systems are only as smart as the data they are given. Most artificial intelligence systems use huge amounts of data that are analysed to identify patterns and make decisions or assumptions based on these patterns. The more data an AI system has to analyse, the more accurate its decisions and assumptions can be. However, there are times when the information used to teach artificial intelligence has errors. As AI has become a larger part of our society, more efforts and research have been dedicated to minimizing potential errors in these systems.

Artificial intelligence uses the information it finds online, and this can have negative effects because if all articles were written by artificial intelligence, AI would gather information from these articles written by artificial intelligence. If this happens repeatedly, the articles are going to sound blotchy and robotic to the point that they stop making sense and reading them becomes difficult.

AIs usually use the same article structure, which is as follows: introduction, main content, discussion, and summary. So spotting an artificial intelligence is not very hard, but although the majority of artificial intelligence articles are structured this way, there are exceptions. However, AI cannot quite yet replicate human intelligence because it is a robot that uses information from the internet. It cannot understand social situations or human problems.

Is the fear of AI taking over jobs justified?

A lot of people have been worrying about their jobs because of the fear of artificial intelligence taking over, but don’t worry, because there are a lot of jobs that AI can’t do, for example lawyers can’t share their jobs with AI. For what reason, you might ask. Well, because lawyers have to understand emotions and motivations. However, artificial intelligence may replace up to 40% of the workforce.

Fun fact

There is a social humanoid robot that was given a Saudi Arabian citizenship. She is the first artificial intelligence to have ever received one.

I think it is important that children learn how to use AI because it is becoming increasingly relevant in our society. A lot of things are dependent on artificial intelligence and many news articles online are written using it. 56% of companies have adapted to artificial intelligence, and so kids need to learn about artificial intelligence to be prepared for working life.

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