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  • Emily Mandl

Beauty Standards and Social Media

One of the main ways the internet influences self-esteem is by promoting constrictive and impossible definitions of beauty. In today's world, in which media outlets have become more common, there is growing concern about their negative effect on self-respect. Media driven by television, movies, magazines, social media, and marketing often sets unrealistic standards for beauty, unachievable goals and distorted images of success. Sophisticated images of perfect models and celebrities carefully crafted through airbrushing, editing and filters can create a misleading impression of what is considered beautiful and appropriate. Constant exposure to these images can lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with one's physical appearance. Social media usually equates beauty and thinness with excitement, success, and desire.

Social media platforms have also turned into a base ground for evaluation and self-criticism. By not solving this issue, people can create unhealthy and unrealistic expectations for themselves, which can lead to discontent, irregular eating patterns, and even eating disorders. Online personalities that only reveal the finer points of their lives are viewed with suspicion. Constant exposure to this seemingly ideal life may make those who consider their lives boring or difficult by comparison feel insufficient and anxious. However, it is important to recognise that media is not the only source of low self - esteem. There are powerful correlations between media influence and individual vulnerability factors such as private insecurity, lower self - confidence, and past experiences that contribute to influencing self - esteem. However, people can rebuild their sense of self-worth. This includes critically questioning and analysing multimedia messages, recognising repeated manipulations and distortions, and developing a real sense of beauty.

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