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  • Nadia Balogun

Buckingham Palace

I’m pretty sure you have heard about Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is located in London. It is a royal residence. Buckingham Palace is in the city of Westminster. This castle is 318 years old it was built in 1705. It has a height of 24m and has 4 floors. Buckingham Palace is the 14th largest palace in the world. Queen Elizabeth ll, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh lived in private apartments on the north side of the palace. Buckingham Palace is worth £4.9 billion pounds. Are you wondering who lives in the Buckingham Palace? Prince Charles the lll and his wife are living in the big palace now. There are 78 bathrooms in Buckingham Palace. The Monarch has a private indoor swimming pool. Buckingham Palace was originally built for a Duke. The Palace is a village in itself. It has 1,514 doors and 760 windows that are cleaned ever 6 weeks. Prince Edward was born in Buckingham Palace at 8:30 am, in March 1964. There’s a little creepy fact about Buckingham Palace. Some people say that two fable ghosts walk around the ground's royal kingdom of London. But is it true we don’t know? The palace has a whopping of 775 rooms and lots of space left over so there could be some secret rooms. There is a river underneath Buckingham Palace which is called the Tyburn River.

During the summer, you can visit Buckingham Palace but just the state apartments but there is an entrance fee. In Buckingham Palace, you cannot have your phones, they must be stored away inside the state rooms. John Nash, Aston Webb, William Windie and Edward blore were architectures for Buckingham Palace. Inside the Palace there is actually no Wi-Fi, but they are trying to make Buckingham Palace get Internet. In Buckingham Palace there are 188 staff bedrooms and, 92 offices. The palace is made up of ancient fossils. The owner of the palace is the Crown Estates. No royal family lives in Buckingham Palace right now. The public is not allowed to drive in palace grounds. The government is responsible for the well-being of all the palaces in England. John Nash one of the architectures of the palace had a budget to build the palace. He went over the budget and got fired from his job. More than 800 people live in Buckingham Palace. The first person to live in the Palace was Queen Victoria. Are you going to Buckingham Palace after reading this article?

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