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Easter Competition Winners!

At long last, the time has come to announce the winners of our Easter-themed art and creative writing contest. It was a tough decision; we were very impressed by the effort and creativity that went into all the entries, but we have finally come to a conclusion.

The winners of the creative writing section are:

Erik Hoffmann, Andre Lange and Lorenz Herfs from year 5 with their story, “Einsatz für den Osterhasen”!

What we loved about this story was not just the inventive plotline and interesting language, but the descriptions were amazingly vivid. Reading it, you can really imagine the characters standing in front of you having a conversation. What set it apart, however, was the extra touch of creativity that the writers achieved by adding variety into their storytelling. Examples of this are an e-mail in the first chapter and a letter in the second. To read the winning story for yourself, look under the features section of the website.

The winner of the art competition is:

Wilhelmina Lukas from year 6 with a drawing called “Easter in Animal Crossing”!

Not only has this art piece been drawn with amazing precision, showing that the artist has put a lot of thought into it, but they have also added dialogue, giving it a comical and humorous element. The way this drawing combines a video game with art is also something we found very interesting and might even motivate others to take a break from electronic devices and do something creative! Here’s the winning piece:

All of the winners received prizes and certificates, here are some pictures of them collecting their awards:

Thanks again to everyone who entered, the DSL Times team hope to organise something similar again soon!

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