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  • Theodor Meinhardt

Elephants in distress

Elephants all over the world are in constant danger. Poachers only hunt and kill them for their ivory tusks. They only let young animals live because they don't have tusks yet. Shaya was one of those cubs that suddenly didn't have a mother anymore. It's early in the morning I blink my mother is already eating because even us young elephants have to eat up to 200 kg of greens a day. It's a beautiful day, but there's something in the air- nobody's eating anymore, there's silence, then there's a bang, one of the oldest elephants has been hit several times - but which lion could do that? The herd is startled, but there is not long to mourn, the next shot rings out through the air. Shot after shot I lie there helplessly. They killed my whole herd, my whole family. They were men with guns, spare me - I wouldn't make enough profit. For several days I roam through the endless savannahs of Africa, now I'm not only lost and helpless, but also lonely. I have nothing to eat, the mother's milk that is essential for my survival is no longer available - a miracle that no lion has seen me yet. Then I heard something loud again- a shot. My eyes blurred and night fell. But these weren't poachers, it was Daphne. She's been raising elephants whose families have been taken for more than 50 years.

Shaya now lives in her “Elephant Kindergarten”, Daphne was the first in the world who was able to artificially produce elephant milk. At first it was difficult to trust the elephants, but now Shaya drinks artificial breast milk from her giant little bottle. Elephants form a close bond with their keepers over time. Daphne has perfectly equipped her baby elephants. A large mud hole, stables and fenced-in pastures provide optimal conditions for baby elephants.

Daphne Sheldrick is now over 80 years old. She was born in Kenya and has received many awards for her work with traumatized baby elephants. She has now raised over 50 baby elephants, thus saved their lives. When the elephants are old enough they are prepared for release. A GPS- chip is attached to them. If they don't move for several days they are looked for, if they were killed by poachers.

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