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  • Lara-Johanna Pirk

Green Energy

Green energy is energy generated from natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, or water. This means that it does not harm the environment when generated, as fossil fuels do. It often comes from renewable energy sources. Green energy and renewable energy are similar but still have some differences. The word “green energy” is used when the energy comes from natural sources. Renewable energy comes from sources that are constant, such as wind power or solar energy.

Green energy is especially important for the environment, as it replaces the negative effects of fossil fuels with better, more eco-friendly options. Green energy does not emit gases into the atmosphere and that is crucial in our CO2 crisis. 

Green energy can also help stabilise energy prices because it is often produced locally and is not affected by price spikes or supply chain disruptions. Local workers make this kind of energy more flexible and less dependent on centralised sources. It creates new workplaces which positively affects the economy and helps people in need of jobs. In 2018, renewable energy created 11 million jobs worldwide, a number that continues to grow.

There are many different types of green energy including solar power, wind power, hydropower, etc. The following will list a few of the most important types.

Solar power  

This is one of the most common types of green energy and is usually produced by cells that capture sunlight and turn it into electricity. These cells are called solar panels and come in various shapes and sizes. They are often placed on top of buildings to have the most access to sunlight. Although many large companies use this kind of energy, countless families have also switched from fossil fuels and installed solar panels on their roofs. Even though this might not be enough energy for an entire family, it is most certainly a start.


Hydropower, also known as hydroelectric power, is a type of green energy that uses the flow of water in rivers, streams, dams and more to produce electricity. Hydropower can even work on a smaller scale, such as using the flow of water through pipes at home. Other ways to win energy using hydropower are through evaporation, rainfall, or the tides in the oceans.


This renewable energy source is not really green energy. It emits gases and so can never be called truly green. However, if carefully managed it can come remarkably close. Biomass power plants use wood waste, sawdust, and other flammable organic waste to create energy. The burning of these materials releases gases such as CO2. This might seem just as bad as other power plants, but these emissions are still far lower than those from petroleum-based fuels.

Green energy is used for a lot of different things, including heating and cooling in buildings, transport, and industrial processes. This can be on a large scale, such as large office buildings, and even on a small scale, such as in your home. There are even small desk versions of solar panels and wind turbines. With the war in Ukraine, everyone has realised how much we depend on electricity and these new, eco-friendly ways of generating it are important for the economy as well as the well-being of our planet.

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