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  • Harris Waterston

Murder on Sea Pt.1

Danny Barker was bored sitting at home thinking of all the crimes he had already solved. You see Danny Barker was a world-famous detective that solved hundreds of cases. He wouldn ́t be able to imagine the case he was about to solve. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, Danny stood up and went to check who it was. There stood a man around 6 ft 4 in front of Danny in a full black suit with black sunglasses so dark you couldn't see his eyes. He opened a letter and read” Hello Danny, I hope you are doing amazingly solving amazing cases left and right. You are invited to my 50th Birthday Party on a superyacht in Mallorca. You will fly on my private Jet from Heathrow tomorrow at 2pm sharp. Bring four pairs of clothes and a suit. Yours truly Phil Jobs.” The man then said that a driver will pick Danny up at 12:30 pm to bring him to the Airport till then he should pack and get ready. The man then walked of and drove away.

Danny was excited to see his childhood friend Phil again because he was caught up in work. You see Phil Jobs is billionaire because of his car business named Zen, he made race cars, F1 cars, Normal Road cars and luxury cars. He was your guy if you needed a car. He was turning fifty on the 7th of May and it seemed that Danny was invited. Danny quickly packed all his clothes and brought his suit to the drycleaner so that he would have a nice suit for his best friends Birthday.

In the morning Danny went to collect his suit and had a nice coffee in town before heading home and getting ready for the flight. He was excited but also a bit scared because Jets had a history of being less safe than big planes still but that wouldn’t get in his way, so he kept on going and was outside.

“Hello Mr. Barker it's nice to see you again shall I take your luggage for you?”.

Danny replied saying “Yes, please”. Danny then got into the car, and they drove off to the Airport.

After Danny had gone through all the checks and passport control, he was finally on the Jet. He was excited and it was nice in the Jet. As he sat down, he saw an unfamiliar person behind him and thought that they would be a Surprise singer or something. As the plane took off Danny felt very tired as he was awake the entire evening thinking about how great it would be to see his friend again. Danny then finally fell asleep and slept for the entire flight.

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