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  • Barbara D'Arrigo and Alida Thomsen

November News

Mr. Nitschke:

As we all know Mr. Nitschke is leaving us on November 25 and every year group is participating in a project, with the theme ``Wenn ich an Herr Nitschke denke, denke ich an…`` The result will be shown to Mr. Nitschke. The next principals will be Mrs. Martin-Nastos and Ms. Wolf-Lieser and Mr Kraus.

Students thoughts about the Learnzentrum:

All of the students we asked said they find the new Lernzentrum very peaceful and that it is a perfect environment for learning. It is very spacious and has many group tables allowing for individual and group work. The Lernzentrum is also never too crowded or loud, so don't worry about not being able to concentrate. However, although the Lernzentrum has some Computers, some students want more computers.

All in all, the Lernzentrum is very helpful for many students.

Football tournament :

At the tournament we could draw Posters and get our face painted. There were also mini games one could play and for every game you play you get one stamp. Once you have gathered 8 stamps you were rewarded with sweets.

The winner of the tournament was the 9b and for the best Fan-base competition was won by the 7c.

Interview with a Student of the 9b:

Question- What did you think when your class won?

Student- I was very proud of my class and the players. I was happy.

Question- What did your classmates say ?

Student- They were really happy and proud as well.

Question- How did you feel when your class won?

Student- I was feeling proud and Happy.

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