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  • Charlie Fuhrmann

PCs - The Right Choice

“Stop buying PCs. It’s not worth it!”

Some of you might have heard this sentence before. And I know what you can answer if you don't know what to say:

“PCs are much better than you think. Trust me.”

And yes, you would be right. PCs are much better than tablets. You can buy a tablet for long journeys, but if you are gamer or working in an office, you need a computer. Let me explain why.

First of all, no, PCs are much more mobile than the PCs you know. For example, there are laptops you can take wherever you want, and yes, there are laptops you can use as a tablet. The Microsoft Surface laptops have an in-built touch display, a keyboard and USB-C ports that also fit your phone (if you do not use an iOS device). And the Yoga book 9i has two touch displays, if you need mobile multitasking.

If you're not convinced by the first argument to buy a computer, you really must read the text below. If you are convinced already, you should also read the text below.

No, it is not hard to use a computer. I would agree that computers are hard to use if we were living in the 90s when Windows 3.0 came out (for those who don't know: it is an incredibly old windows operating system) and even opening the browser was difficult, but it is 2023. Windows 11 has already been released, and it's extremely easy to do everything you want to. You want to let the computer draft an essay? Ask the internet. You want to watch videos or stream films? Ask the internet. You want to install programs or games? You know this one: Ask the internet. You don't have to go to the next store to buy a program or get help. The internet has everything you need. And if you need help, you can ask other users on Reddit or GitHub, or for more complicated problems, you can call your retailer or send an email. Now most people that still think tablets are better would think: "But it's so difficult to get my data explorer! And I can't see every program I installed, listed!”

This is also no excuse because Windows 11 is amazingly easy to use (as said above). You want to open your data? Press Windows + E. There you go. You want to see your programs listed? Press Windows and click on “all apps.” Simple. See? Nowadays it’s so easy!

If you still want to explain to me that you want to buy a high-end tablet that costs the same as a laptop in good condition, consider changing your mind. If you don’t, I can't help you. Feel free to waste your money.

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