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  • Marielle Adler

Ranking my former hobbies

My first hobby was dancing, which I kept up for a total of seven years: ballet for three years, hip-hop for three years, and a year of modern dance. Reflecting on the time I spent dancing, I really enjoyed it. It made me physically fit and increased my confidence. I also got to meet new people and made friends. During those seven years, I performed five times in front of a crowd, which was always enjoyable. However, remembering the choreography was sometimes hard, and ensuring my moves were “perfect” was difficult and a bit stressful.

I took an acting class with my sister for a year. Even though I was the youngest there, it was still a good experience, which led me to another acting class later. I continued this for two years and now dream of becoming an actor. Acting helps with building teamwork, meeting new people, expressing yourself, and gaining confidence in front of a crowd.

In America, my sister and I joined an art class for two years. It was relaxing and entertaining. Watching my artwork come together always brought a smile to my face, even when I was younger. I still draw to this day, as drawing has continuously pushed my creative thinking. I was in a circus class for about two years and learned many new things. It was fun both physically and creatively. Participating in various exciting tricks was thrilling, and I even learned to juggle. However, we never performed, and it's not a hobby I'd want to take up again, as it wasn't as enjoyable and I didn't get along with the people in the class.

I played football for a year, which helped me make many new friends. It encouraged me to lead an active life, but it was probably my least favorite hobby and lacked creativity. While it might appeal to others, I was more of a creative kid and preferred expressive activities like dancing. Additionally, I was never really good at football, and I still am not. However, it did help with growing teamwork and provided something enjoyable.

All in all, my favorite hobby was probably the acting classes, then drawing and dancing (because I couldn't decide between them), followed by the circus, and in last place (don't judge me on this) was football.

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