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  • Barbara D'Arrigo

School Project - Help for children in India

At least 53 million children aged 6-14 in India do not go to school. This is because of child labor and the lack of resources. These children are of all ages, and they have to do child labor to support their families. Since they cannot go to school, they don’t learn important skills that they could use to get higher pay. Therefore, poverty will stay in these families until the children can go to school.

Class 7a worked on a project in our English lessons and had to present a charity based on this cause. Each group was allowed to choose their own cause, that they found interesting.

My group chose to do a presentation about poverty in India and what you can do against it. More specifically on how to help children in India with a not-so-great education get a better one. As a solution this group has produced this:

In order to help the children in India we simply ask everyone to put books that they no longer need in a box that will be provided in the library (Lernzentrum) at our school. Once the box is full, it will be shipped to the charity SERUDSindia.

If you want to do even more to help these children, do not hesitate to buy any pieces of stationery for the children. Every little bit counts.

If you have other ideas or suggestions to make this project work and help find a solution to help at least part of the children in need do suggest them in the comment section. Perhaps we can try to make your suggestions a reality.

Here is what is needed:

Notebooks, books (possibly in English), pens, other stationary

As Mala Yousafzai said in a speech to the UN:

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”

So please help these Children in need!

Sources: Cover image -

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