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  • Isabel Dickinson

The Dog

Dogs are one of the most popular domestic animals in the world. With roughly 360 Breeds. What is the dog's history?

All dogs descended from a species of wolf. It remains a mystery when they broke off from their ancestors, but genetics suggest that it happened 15,000 to 30,000 years ago.

Now they are stay at home pets, that eat a variety of foods, making them omnivores.

How do I take care of a dog? You can really choose how you look after them, but these are some things that you need to do: You should exercise with your dog at least twice a day (regardless of the weather condition). If your dog is an adult, it can stay home alone for around 4-6 hours a day. If a dog gets used to being home alone for 8-9 hours a day, it should always have fresh water and food and enough space to move around. Make sure to always go outside if your dog needs to go to the toilet. This might happen more than you think. Check- ups at the vet are crucial for a healthy and happy dog. Secure waste, chemicals, and toxins around your home. Dogs are curious, but sometimes that can put them at risk of injury or illness, especially when exploring your home.

These are some foods they are not allowed to eat: Chocolate, Avocados, Onions and Garlic, Grapes and Raisins, Milk and other Dairy Products, Macadamia Nuts, Sugar containing foods, and drinks.

Here are some extra fun facts:

A dog’s sense of smell is 40 times better than that of a human. That is why they are often used for police investigations and hunts.

Some dogs are incredible swimmers: Not all of them like water, but the ones that do are surprisingly good swimmers.

Dogs do not sweat like we do! While dogs do sweat, do not expect them to be getting damp armpits any time soon!

Your dog could be left or right pawed like we have our good and bad hands.

All dogs dream, but puppies and older dogs dream more frequently.

Dogs have a sense of time: It's been proven that they know the difference between one and five hours. If conditioned to, they can predict future events, such as regular walk times.

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