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  • Michael N.

The German election 2021

As already announced, Angela Merkel has resigned from her job as Chancellor. On September 26, the election took place and at six o'clock the first results came out. The CDU/CSU (Union) were both ahead with exactly 25% and were levelled with the SPD, while the Greens had an improvement of 15%. Then came the FDP, the AfD and the “Linke” Party who only had 5%. If they had more, they could join parliament and if they were under 5%, they could not be part of the parliament at all. Then came the next results that offered more precise answers. The SPD was ahead and the Union had the worst result of all time of the party. Armin Laschet, the chancellor candidate of the Union, still said that the next election would be for the next generation. At the same time, the results of the election in Berlin and Mecklenburg Vorpommern were revealed. In Berlin, the Greens had improved significantly (as predicted after the flood disasters). The Union had improved in Berlin by 0.5% and there was a big fight for Berlin between the Greens and the SPD. But again, the SPD won. On the outside side of the Berlin map, the SPD and the Union clearly had many votes, but in the core of the state, the Greens had won significantly. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the SPD had improved by 9% and thus clearly won Mecklenburg Vorpommern and Berlin. For the Union, the election didn’t result as they may have hoped, as the SPD had clearly won. They had 25.7% (20.5% in the last election), with the Union next with 24.1% (previously 32.9%).

Armin Laschet is not satisfied with this. Third were the astounded Greens who got 14.8% in the end (and in the last election they were sixth with 8.9%). The next was the FDP with 11.5%, the AFD with 10.3% and the Left (who had 9.2% last time) with only 4.9%, which is why they will not be able to be part of parliament. But how does this continue now, the SPD has won, but we are far from finished. This means that they have to form a parliament with one or more parties. Angela Merkel had worked with the SPD last time, but few believe that the SPD and the Union will govern together. This means that Parliament is most likely to be the traffic light version. This means red, green and yellow. But what if they can't agree? A further possible solution would be a coalition between the FDP and the Greens together with the Union.

By Michael Nachbar

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